Thursday, June 5, 2014

9 Wishes I caught before 21

Good Day,

I will be turning 21 this month!! I am so very excited for this milestone in my life; mainly because now I can go see my favorite artists' play gigs around the city! yay!

To write is to remember, some memories stay forever and some quickly fade. It is my duty to remember the good and let go of the bad. I owe it to myself.

 I wanted to make note of several things that i've done so far that i'm proud of. I want to make an account of the things and events that shaped me to be the person I am today. I never wish to forget that.

1) Travel to Nashville and see a live show:
Big thank you to Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp and Dr. Pepper for the all-expense paid trip to Nashville in time for my birthday! We were welcomed to the family with open arms, thank you. My friend and I got to celebrate my 20th birthday weekend and go to the 4th of July Festival in Downtown. It was an incredible experience. We had city passes to pretty much every event going on and yes, we watched live shows every night. As an added bonus, we got to meet and take pictures with The Band Perry!

2) Meet Ed Sheeran: 
Ever since that fateful day when I heard his song on the radio, I have been immensely inspired by Ed. So much so, that I picked up a guitar and learned to play just so I could play his songs! My song-writing has also been incredibly impacted by him. I was fortunate enough to meet Ed and see him play at a private performance in Seattle summer of 2013. To top that off, I got free floor-tickets to go to his concert later that day! What?! yes, I still can't fathom it myself.

3) Start a community-based Ministry: 
In 2011, A group of young adults and teenagers got together and formed a ministry that provided aid to the homeless. Every Saturday, we made food and gathered clothing to give out on the streets of Seattle. Though I learned so much, this ministry was by far the toughest thing I have ever done.

4) Learn how to play the Guitar: 
Playing the guitar has always been a dream of mine so one day I decided to get serious about learning how to play. Now, one year later, I'm not great but I am getting better every day! I can play all of the general chords and now learning power chords! :) This is my favorite accomplishment so far.

5) Host a Concert: 
It's not a secret that I love concerts. Last March (2013), I volunteered at the Newsboys concert in Tacoma. It was a really small venue and I was really fortunate to have gotten to spend time with the band mates and meet their crew. After that concert, I got hired by Premier Productions to do some freelance concert planning work for them. Through them, I had the opportunity to host Hillsong United-Zion Tour in June 2013 and The Rend Collective, Propaganda, and Lacey Sturm Tour  in Septermber 2013. The Hillsong Tour was most humbling to me, there were over 6,000 people there; it was a completely sold-out show! I really enjoyed organizing it.

6) Organize a Benefit Concert: 
 One of my biggest aspirations in life is to be involved in my community as much as I can be. In March 2013, I hosted a concert to benefit Seattle Urban Ministry, a homeless aid ministry in the Greater Seattle area. A local band played the small venue and the ministry got great exposure from it. All in all, it was a good learning experience.

7) Start a blog: 
You're reading it now!

8) Meet a famous person: 
Well, Sorta famous. The Band Perry, ED SHEERAN, Newsboys, Hugh Jackman, Candice Swanapoel, The Summer Set, Emblem3, Michael McDonald, and more names no one even knows... (and many more to come!)

9) Follow my dream career:
It's not easy following a dream, because most people see them as merely dreams and not reality. I set out to change that. Seriously though, It takes serious GUTS. I am working tirelessly on getting to a level of professionalism and respect in this industry. You have to put in the grunt work before you get anywhere. You are not entitled to anything. You have to work your butt off. If you are not willing to do so, you will not get anywhere.

Best of luck to all. I hope you go out in the World and be awesome!

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