Monday, October 20, 2014

All about the Selfie


We are living in the selfie generation. Everyone wants a selfie with a famous person. If you met someone and you don't have a selfie, Did it really happen? 

First off, why do I have to take a picture with everyone I meet? Why do I have to post it on social media? 

Is it to glorify my self image even more, to make my so-called "friends" jealous, or to flaunt my status in someones face? See, I don't want to do that. I don't want to put other people down and make them feel inferior just for my sake, for me to feel powerful and superior. That is low and frankly, it's not classy. 

I will be the first to admit that I don't have much friends. Yes, I said it and it frightens me to have that information out there. But truly, I don't have very many friends. 
I have over 800 facebook friends but only about 4 or 5 that I actually talk to and hang out with. Only 1 or 2 of those actually know ME

If you knew me several years ago, you would say that I am super social and I make friends easily. Yes, it's still true but it's not the same. I know a lot of people, A LOT. In fact, I meet new people everyday but they are acquaintances, these are surface relationships. 

True friends are so hard to find because of our busy lives. I will be honest and say that I could put more time into creating lasting friendships but I don't because of my schedule. Every free moment that I have is invested into my future. Is that really the sacrifice that needs to be made to get ahead in my career? 

Another thing I wanted to mention is that I meet a lot of artists' and seemingly important people. One of my rules is that I do not take pictures with famous people I meet. In return, I get an experience. I get to have memories. 

Please note that PICTURES ARE NOT MEMORIES, THEY ARE PICTURES. Memories are memories. I know, its seems so basic, but it's not for so many people! 

I get to have memories like walking to the gas station with the Newsboys in Tacoma, having dinner with the Hillsong United boys (and girl), working in-studio with Jackie and Bender on KissFM, setting up a merch booth with Propaganda, meeting random people at a Foy Vance concert, hanging out side-stage with All Things New, hosting a mall party with Emblem3, and as of yesterday, having lunch and dinner with Lecrae, Andy Mineo, and the crew. These moments are worth so much more to me than a still picture. 

These are real memories and experiences that I have and they are not on Facebook or twitter or Instagram and i'm okay with that.

These encounters are real and working with these people gives a sense of purpose and satisfaction that no amount of facebook likes can ever give you. 

Please, I beg you, when you meet people, don't ask them for pictures. It's sad and desperate. 

Plus it makes them feel like they are being used to boost your social status. Artists' are especially intuitive and feel emotions very deeply, they feel when they are being used but they can also feel when they can open up to and trust someone. 

Last thought: Imagine meeting an artist as being equivalent to going on a first date, and as soon as you meet your date, you pull out your phone and say "selfie?". ugh what a turnoff.  

Ps. To answer the question, I DID take a picture and selfie with Lecrae, but that was because his tour manager pushed me to do it and Lecrae was like, "yeah, lets!". I will go on my literal wall at home, in my room. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

9 Wishes I caught before 21

Good Day,

I will be turning 21 this month!! I am so very excited for this milestone in my life; mainly because now I can go see my favorite artists' play gigs around the city! yay!

To write is to remember, some memories stay forever and some quickly fade. It is my duty to remember the good and let go of the bad. I owe it to myself.

 I wanted to make note of several things that i've done so far that i'm proud of. I want to make an account of the things and events that shaped me to be the person I am today. I never wish to forget that.

1) Travel to Nashville and see a live show:
Big thank you to Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp and Dr. Pepper for the all-expense paid trip to Nashville in time for my birthday! We were welcomed to the family with open arms, thank you. My friend and I got to celebrate my 20th birthday weekend and go to the 4th of July Festival in Downtown. It was an incredible experience. We had city passes to pretty much every event going on and yes, we watched live shows every night. As an added bonus, we got to meet and take pictures with The Band Perry!

2) Meet Ed Sheeran: 
Ever since that fateful day when I heard his song on the radio, I have been immensely inspired by Ed. So much so, that I picked up a guitar and learned to play just so I could play his songs! My song-writing has also been incredibly impacted by him. I was fortunate enough to meet Ed and see him play at a private performance in Seattle summer of 2013. To top that off, I got free floor-tickets to go to his concert later that day! What?! yes, I still can't fathom it myself.

3) Start a community-based Ministry: 
In 2011, A group of young adults and teenagers got together and formed a ministry that provided aid to the homeless. Every Saturday, we made food and gathered clothing to give out on the streets of Seattle. Though I learned so much, this ministry was by far the toughest thing I have ever done.

4) Learn how to play the Guitar: 
Playing the guitar has always been a dream of mine so one day I decided to get serious about learning how to play. Now, one year later, I'm not great but I am getting better every day! I can play all of the general chords and now learning power chords! :) This is my favorite accomplishment so far.

5) Host a Concert: 
It's not a secret that I love concerts. Last March (2013), I volunteered at the Newsboys concert in Tacoma. It was a really small venue and I was really fortunate to have gotten to spend time with the band mates and meet their crew. After that concert, I got hired by Premier Productions to do some freelance concert planning work for them. Through them, I had the opportunity to host Hillsong United-Zion Tour in June 2013 and The Rend Collective, Propaganda, and Lacey Sturm Tour  in Septermber 2013. The Hillsong Tour was most humbling to me, there were over 6,000 people there; it was a completely sold-out show! I really enjoyed organizing it.

6) Organize a Benefit Concert: 
 One of my biggest aspirations in life is to be involved in my community as much as I can be. In March 2013, I hosted a concert to benefit Seattle Urban Ministry, a homeless aid ministry in the Greater Seattle area. A local band played the small venue and the ministry got great exposure from it. All in all, it was a good learning experience.

7) Start a blog: 
You're reading it now!

8) Meet a famous person: 
Well, Sorta famous. The Band Perry, ED SHEERAN, Newsboys, Hugh Jackman, Candice Swanapoel, The Summer Set, Emblem3, Michael McDonald, and more names no one even knows... (and many more to come!)

9) Follow my dream career:
It's not easy following a dream, because most people see them as merely dreams and not reality. I set out to change that. Seriously though, It takes serious GUTS. I am working tirelessly on getting to a level of professionalism and respect in this industry. You have to put in the grunt work before you get anywhere. You are not entitled to anything. You have to work your butt off. If you are not willing to do so, you will not get anywhere.

Best of luck to all. I hope you go out in the World and be awesome!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

6 Reasons why most young people fail miserably

1. We are afraid of failure:

We expect the outcome to be instant:  Anything that is worth your while will need to be worked for and fought for. I'll let you in on a little secret: YOU WILL FAIL. You WILL fail. The first maybe 100 times you try to reach your goals, you will fail at it, you will mess up, you will get discouraged, but those are not good enough reasons to quit. Nobody ever made history by 'almost' making it.

Let's take Thomas Edison as an example. What did he do that was significant? He invented the light bulb right? Wrong! Many inventors were working on light bulb prototypes pining for the final discovery including Alessandro Volta, Henry Woodword, Matthew Evans and Joseph Swan. I bet you didn't know ANY of these peoples' names, Right? Well, I didn't either. Thomas Edison simply held the patents for the light bulb, thus crowning him for eternity as being the inventor of the glorious electric light bulb.

What secret weapon do you have to get you ahead in the game?

2. We take on too many projects at once: 

I personally am involved SO much in my community. Work, ministry, outreaches, church services, small groups, meetings, camps, trainings, classes etc etc! After all these activities, I don't have the time or the stamina to focus on my future and my dreams, let alone work to achieve them! Real goals and dreams take a LOT of determination and time. Eventually, somethings gotta give. You have to retreat yourself from one (or a few) activities to have energy to pour into your future. No one ever woke up one day as billionaire, or a CEO. It takes hard work and consistency. 

What are you GOOD at? What are you GREAT at? What are you EXCELLENT at? Become excellent at what you do, make it YOURS. 

3. We are afraid to sacrifice: 

I am comfortable with my current schedule, I like what I do now. Yes, it's true, there is a substantial amount of comfort in rituals but rituals won't get you anywhere. In fact, they make you stuck in one pattern of eternal repetition. There was a time when I was afraid to sacrifice any of my church activities because I didn't want the pastor, congregation, or God (Eeek!) to be mad at me. That's crazy, Right? I was wearing out and I was too afraid to admit it. Nonetheless, all of these church activities became a ritual and a comfort zone for me. That is when I decided to step down from most of my activities and put my focus elsewhere. Don't get me wrong, I am still very involved but it does not control my life anymore. Let me tell you, sacrificing something you love and something you've done for years is not easy. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do but I already see all the good that's coming out of it. 

So what is it for you? What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve what you desire? What do you need to sacrifice to focus on your goals and dreams? 

4. We love comfort and don't like things that are out of our comfort zone:

I mentioned this earlier but comfort is... well it's comfortable. A man, who I greatly look up to, said this: "Set a goal and do one thing a day that is pertinent to reaching your goal. Do one small thing a day to keep moving forward and not falling back". I've taken his advice to heart and have been doing at least one thing a day. Now this frightens me to the core because I am coming close to achieving what I set out to do and all the work that i've been doing is paying off. Stepping out of my comfort zone makes me so nervous that I feel like fainting(no joke!) every time I think about it!

How can you take what you currently have and excel in it? What do you think you should do to get out of your comfort zone? 

5. We don't learn from other peoples' successes and failures: 

People succeed in different ways and people fail in different ways. Do some research! Who is someone that you look up to or aspire to be like? How have they succeeded? How have they failed? You can learn so much from taking the initiative and doing a little bit of research. I personally love reading articles on how different prominent people started out, what they did, their work ethic, what they should have done differently and so on. There is so much advice out there that is just waiting to be shared with you! All you have to do is look. 

6. We don't take advantage of our resources: 

If you haven't noticed, all the people who we look up to started out where you are now. Lost and confused. At one point, THEY were the ones looking for guidance and advice. Now they are in a position to give you advice, but most people give it out only when you ask for it. So go and ask! LinkedIn is a GREAT source. I found a person who works for the company I want to work for one day. I emailed him and asked him how he got to where he's at. He was gracious enough to share with me and offer me some advice. People are typically very genuine, they typically WANT you to succeed. Please find a mentor or several of them who will guide you and offer you quality advice. Make sure they are trustworthy and actually want the best for you. 
Go and be great! 

I want the best for you, Wishing you all the best in your ventures!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sing- Ed Sheeran Lyrics

It's late in the evening, Glass on the side
I've been sat with you, For most of the night
Ignoring everybody here
We wish they would disappear so maybe we could get down now
I don't wanna know
If you're getting ahead of the program
I want you to be mine lady
To hold your body close
Take another step into the no-man's land
For the longest time lady

I need you darling
Come on set the tone
If you feel you're fallin
Won't you let me know
Ooooh, Ooooh
If you love come on get involved
Feel it rushing through ya
From your head to toes oh ooooh

SING! Ohh ohh ohh, (Louder! Sing!)

This love is ablaze, I saw the flames from the side of the stage
And if the fire brigade comes in a couple of days
Until then we got nothing to say and nothing to know but something to drink and maybe something to smoke
Let it go until our roads are changed singing we found love in a local rave no I don’t really know what I’m supposed to say but I can just figure it out and hope and pray
I told her my name I said it’s nice to meet ya then she handed me a bottle of water filled with tequila
I already know that she’s a keeper just from this one small act of kindness,
I’m in, deep if anybody finds out
I meant to drive home but I took all of it down now, so wearing out we just sit on a couch one thing led to another now she’s kissing my mouth


Can you feel it? All the guys in here don’t even wanna dance
Can you feel it? All that I can hear is music from the back
Can you feel it? Found you hiding so why don’t you take my hand darling before the beat kicks in again

Can you feel it? Ooooh Can you feel it? Oh no no no 

You heard it here first!