Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why Taylor Swift Loves Seattle- RED TOUR


I always secretly knew she was extraordinary. Never had the courage to admit it and realize the influence she has. I guess the word we are looking for here is Untouchable. It's hard to imagine that a girl so frail and fragile could be so strong and untouchable. I thought I was brave until she showed me what being brave looks like. She captured the attention of all the people in the dome and as if she was speaking straight into their lives. Like she was refueling their energy to go out and fight. Fight against the bullies and fight for the weaker ones. I am astounded by the way she kept every single person captivated by the words she had to say.

Her and I have one thing in common. We are intimidated by the fear of being normal. I can't stand to think that one day(soon!) I will be in my 70's and looking back at all the memories I have. I fear the sorrow in that day when I come to a consensus that my life was wasted on ordinary things. I can't stand ordinary dreams from ordinary people who work at an ordinary job and have an ordinary marriage and make ordinary children and die perfectly ordinarily. If you are gonna live, live passionately! If you are gonna love, love with all that you are! If you are gonna dream, you better make sure that you dream in color! I am so tired of scared people, people who waste their talents because they fear that someone may laugh at them.

You know what? I give Taylor massive props for stepping out of that circle of fear and making a difference. I bet that when she first started performing, she had no idea the impact she would make. 

Because of an incredible friend I had the opportunity to go to Taylor Swifts' Show in Tacoma on August 31st, 2013. I would like to cordially invite you on this journey as we travel through a roller-coaster of scenes, a montage of costume ensembles, and through the life of an incredible girl. 


Our day started off with a private performance (courtesy of Brad w/Click 98.9) with Ed Sheeran in Downtown Seattle. Let me start off by saying that I am a proper fan of Ed Sheerans'. I only know all of his songs! He has been the biggest musical inspiration for me yet. His journey has inspired me to write more songs (get er done!), which I have been doing, and hopefully start recording and producing them sometime soon! 

Ed Sheeran comes from Suffolk, England to conquer 'Murica by storm! Right now, there are 3 of his singles that have been playing on the radios, but I am so excited to hear more to come! I believe that he's not getting the credit he deserves. Anyone who knows anything about music and songwriting, undoubtedly knows that he is a genius! His wordplay is phenomenal, stacks on stacks! Congratulations to Ed on launching his own Record Label: Paw Print Records! 

The performance started on a Pier in Seattle behind the Seattle Aquarium. It was one of those perfectly clear days when you can look across the sound and see the Olympic Mountains still covered in bits of snow on the other side. 

Due to a time crunch, Ed only played about 5 of his songs
but never-the-less, they were all executed perfectly,
 the whole 'Seattle' outdoor-sy atmosphere was awesome!
You could hear the other street performers and their music.

The audience was all-smiles during the seagulls'
solo act. That little bugger made everyone laugh!

For the RED Tour, Ed Sheeran was the opening act for Taylor Swift. He ran up on stage unexpectedly and just started working at it. His energy left the whole room buzzing. The crowds just went NUTS when he started singing (or maybe it was just me?) He was genuinely happy and excited to be there. Of course, who wouldn't be excited to be in the most beautiful and talented city?!

Ed singing 'Give me Love'. Fluorescent Child. 

Ed with ''You Need Me man, I Don't need you'. Now I'm in town break it down, thinkin of makin a new sound, playin a different show every night in front of a new crowd, THATS YOU NOW! 

Teddy finishes his set with 'A Team' and the whole crowd joins in singing. A wise man once said, "If everyone sang instead of screamed, it would be a nicer place." I fully agree. 
The 'A Team' is especially close to my heart because this is truly a reality for many people today. Working with homeless and prostitutes on the street of Seattle for the past 2 years has opened my eyes to the amount of sex trafficking that goes on right in our own backyards! Seattle has a very rapidly growing Sex Trafficking industry, law enforcement's say that they 'saw an explosion of young girls involved in that life starting in 2009' (Genesis Project Website). It is now nicknamed 'The Modern Day Slavery'. When I heard the A Team, It reminded me of all the victims that are forced into this life with no way out. It truly is too cold outside for angels to fly. I hope that you are prompted to support your local organizations (Like the Genesis Project- Seattle) that help victims to a better life. 

In other News... Now we get to the greatly anticipated Show! 
I LOVE this picture. It beautifully captures the excitement, the buzz, the cameras, the lights, the audience, and the entirety of the production! 

One of my favorites! 

Please enjoy the following album of pictures (Feel free to comment!). I tried to take a picture of each of her outfits, but she changed like 20 times so it was quite a challenge! Please note, all of these pictures were taken by me, not from the internet! 


Taylor Singing 'Mean', Bullies probably won't stop bullying you but you have the power to change your perspective of the situation- that's FEARLESS!

That man is the Worlds Best Photo-bomber! Haha He's not impressed. 



I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture. That guy (left) was SO excited to get so close to her. 

So Art-sy. I love the 'TS' in the back. 

Everything Has Changed- Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift. 

Something like BFF's 


Staring into my soul. Haha! 

Ladies and Gentlemen, Please meet the mastermind! 

This picture is absolutely insane!!

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, That concludes the most inspirational experience of my life so far. 
Thank you for joining!! 

With Love, 
Sofia Onishenko


Here's a picture of Malinda,
Ed's #1 fan who came from Alaska in a onesie :) 

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